Curriculum Writing

Since I have been in my district, I have been involved in some type of curriculum writing committee each year…8th grade math, Algebra 1, 7th grade math and this year, Geometry.  I love it.  Sometimes I dislike the format we need to fit things into, but I love organizing units, seeing how it all fits together (or how it should fit together) and finding activities and resources to hit those topics the best.  I spend my summers going through my files, tossing, keeping and replacing to better reach my students.  I use the internet, Twitter and my Blog reader to find new methods, activities and ideas.  It excites me and I love watching it play out in the classroom.  I love the ability to improve a lesson for 8th and 9th period if it fell flat during 7th.  I love being able to change it all again for the following year to make it even better.  I think I am crazy to enjoy it.  Are there others out there like me?

With the changes to what I am doing next year, I won’t be teaching Geometry so I can’t fix what I didn’t like this year.  And because I won’t have my own classes, I won’t really have much planning to do over the summer.  It’s like a whole new world for me and it’s scary, but it will be a good learning experience, a challenge and a change. Being an Interventionist will be quite a change from the daily grind of teaching, but I want to go into it with an open mind because it’s a situation that I can gain a lot from, the students I will work with will be able to teach me a lot and I look forward to helping them learn and learning along with them. 🙂




One thought on “Curriculum Writing

  1. Jessica,

    I too love writing and revising curriculum and feel that some things I do are better than others. Sometimes the things that I think are really great don’t go over well with the kids, and vice versa. It really comes down to knowing your students, and hearing their needs. I have been working at the district level this year writing curriculum to help teachers as we transition to CCSS without a text. So many teachers are uncomfortable with this. It confuses me, but I’m glad that I am able to help them and to get feedback for learning and stretching my skills.

    Keep doing what you’re doing.

    Teri Ryan

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