#geomchat: Come Chat!

@barbarawmadden (barbarawmadden.wordpress.com) & I are starting up a Geometry chat on Wednesdays at 9EST/8 Central and we would LOVE for you to join us!  We will start this Wednesday, July 3rd and our first topic is going to be transitioning to the CCSS as many of us are making the switch this fall, will be soon or already have.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

The chat will be storified & linked on my blog in case you can’t make it. 

I tried hunting down Geometry teachers on Twitter, but was a little overwhelmed.  So please share and invite those you know who teach Geometry!

#MyFavFriday: How Are We Learning?

MFFOne of my favorite organizational things is Pinterest. I feel bad for those that follow any of my boards because I’ve been pinning things like crazy! Obviously it’s summer and I have time to spend hunting things down to pin to my boards; never mind the things I should ACTUALLY be doing…like those listed on my Summer To Do List.  (Note to self: add Pinning cool things on Pinterest to Summer To Do List so I can cross it off).

Earlier this week a teacher from my school pinned a neat anchor chart/poster titled How Are We Learning?  I thought it was a great way to clearly communicate classroom expectations, especially with CCSS and the push for inquiry and collaborative grouping students.  They really don’t always know what the expectations are for each situation or my 8th grade students pretend not to know.  The pin was only a picture, so I tried to hunt down the original author & even commented on the pin to try and find out more.  This is the problem with Pinterest, awesome ideas that aren’t properly linked to provide author credit or to provide answers to questions about whatever the activity, project, etc. is. If you know who created this or where it is on the web, please let me know so I can provide credit where credit is due!

I like using cute computer fonts and colors and I like having printed posters for my room.  So I decided to make an electronic version of the How are we learning chart.  AIH is believed to stand for Academic Intervention Hour, which we do not have, so I removed it and created just 4 sections.  I used the wording from the original chart, even though the teacher from my school who pinned it and I use different methods for students to get our attention.  I am not sure this is exactly what I will print poster size for my room, but I wanted to share anyways!

What would you keep, change or add to the poster to make it more meaningful for your classroom?


#Made4math: Thinking is Visible

20121001-135141.jpgWaaaayyy back in March when @pamjwilson (pamjwilson.wordpress.com), made a comment on Twitter about a sign she wanted that contained a quote from the book Making Thinking Visible, I jumped in and created it for her.  It was the perfect thing I needed to procrastinate a few things I needed to get done.  But it also enticed me to purchase the book and get reading! Though the reading part ended up a little delayed…I am just now finishing it.

I wanted to share the poster because now that I am reading the book, I understand Pam’s desire for the quote to be in her room.  It is important to communicate to students that thinking is important to learning..the process of discussing and working through a problem is just as important as knowing and understanding what the problem is asking.  This poster will be displayed in my room next year for sure!  Thanks Pam!  I recommend this book to everyone!!  I have found it especially applicable to my US History classes and can’t wait to weave in all of the ideas I gained!